Rajkumar Bhriguraj Singh

Prince Rajkumar Bhriguraj Singh (RBS) is a member of the Indian subcontinent’s erstwhile nobility (Founded circa 1548). He is a sustainability and impact influencer based out of San Francisco, California and India.  

RBS is currently spearheading impact projects in various rural regions of India. RBS specializes in ideating solutions and program implementation strategy with governmental and non governmental organizations. Experience includes successful enablement of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and implementation, both in the US & India. 

Conversion of conventional methods of end-to-end program and objective delivery through new solutions is a key strength. Born and raised in polity, RBS’s ecosystem of engagement includes corporate leaders, heads of government to academia and technocrats.

Addressing challenges in policy & program delivery mechanisms is a key focus area. In his advisory capacity to a sovereign fund, RBS vets and recommends potential partners for alignment in peri-urban disruption. In his role at the India Impact fund, RBS’s focus is identifying inflection point “INDIA OUT (India based)” impact opportunities and interfacing them with global partners to scale collectively and cohesively.

Additionally RBS enables finetune “INDIA IN – (Non India based)” initiatives that wish to enter India for launch, scale, implementation and deployment. Enabling PPP (public private partnerships) with governmental institutions is an added parallel track strength.